Quarantine Blues May 2020 Dear Friends, As April turns to Maythe days seem to roll together,each day it seems is markedby continued stormy weather.I find myself thinkingin rhyme way too oftenI guess it’s just my wayof coping with this problem.Writing is my wayof...
Marching Together April 2020 Dear Friends, Life as we know it has changed. Social distancing has become the new normal. This has impacted everyone across the globe and as I write this message I’m struck with the enormity of what we may face in the months ahead. Many...
Riding the Wave March 2020 Dear Friends, It’s been nearly three weeks since we returned from our Jewban adventure and I’m still riding the wave of the transformational experience. I’ve been asked over and over again why the Jews of Cuba don’t just leave. The...
Am Yisrael Viva Cuba February 2020 Dear Friends, Cuba is a complicated place. I just completed my 6th humanitarian mission and it proved to be every bit as rewarding and meaningful as the previous ones. Once again I witnessed a deep sense of love, family and...
Biennial CHAI! Blessings for 2020 January 2020 Dear Friends, My first URJ Biennial was as a SCFTY President in my teens. For five decades since, as a student Cantor and throughout my professional life, I have joined 5,000 Reform Jews from around the world to learn,...