We Shall Overcome

January 2019

Dear Friends,

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said: “Darkness cannot put out darkness. Only light can do that.” I still believe in the words “We Shall Overcome” as it becomes our responsibility, to take hands and shine that light on the words of Rev. Dr. King and his unyielding passion to change the racist and anti-semitic culture of our country. Today we struggle with many of the same issues that Dr. King worked for and we too, strive for the values and changes he advocated. The history of African Americans is a long and punishing journey through the first and second middle passages, the civil war and it’s aftermath and the civil rights movement, which ignited change but is still being played out today. We Jews have endured centuries of persecution, enslavement, mass murder, terrorism and torture as well. These shared histories link us to our African American brothers and sisters in strong and inexorable ways. That’s why this month is so important to me as I remember the struggles and the injustices we endure and still seek to eradicate from our world. Many of my Jewish Gospel songs have been inspired by my work with my friends Tony Small and Lori Williams as well as the African American Community. I’m sharing them ALL with you in a special playlist included in this months Newsletter. I’ve also put together a short video of my song “A Man Named Martin” which is my tribute to Dr. King and his dream. Please view and share them…write me and let me know what you are doing to keep his dream alive!

My prayer for all of us as we power through the darkness, is that we take time to listen and reflect upon the brutal history which compels us to raise our voices and empowers our actions to bring Dr. Kings’ words to fruition. #WeShallOvercome #IHaveADream #Keepthedreamalive


Reb Lisa

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